Every now and then I play a role organizing a conference or a workshop designed to bring like-minded researchers together. Here are some of those organizing activies with links to relevant materials.


Workshop Organizing

I organized the 2013 Social Computational Systems Principal Investigator and Community Meeting. The meeting was held in Seattle during June 2013.


I worked with Geraldine Fitzpatrick to co-organize the CSCW Doctoral Colloquium for CSCW 2013 in San Antonio, February 23-27, 2013.


I had a minor part in organizing the "Brainstorming Design for Health: Helping Patients Utilize Patient-Generated Information on the Web" workshop at CSCW 2012. The workshop was organized around a set of brainsorming and design prototyping activities.


I helped organize the Approaching "Amature" workshop at GROUP 2009. There were a great set of position papers from the workshop.


The Designing for Families workshop was a success at CSCW 2008. There were some great discussions and some resolve for a special issue or some other approach to publish the results of the workshop.


The IT@Home: Unraveling Complexities of Networked Devices in the Home was a success at CHI 2006. The workshop considered a number of interesting issues in everyday home technology. I co-organized this workshop with Bill Schilit and Sara Bly.


The CSCW'04 Workshop on Social Networks with Danyel Fisher and Shelly Farnham is a follow up to the successful ECSCW'03 Social Network Workshop with Danyel Fisher.


CSCW 2015 Conference

I was a papers co-chair for the CSCW 2015 conference. You can visit the conference website for conference program information. The CSCW 2015 conference proceedings are available in the ACM Digital Library.


GROUP 2014 Conference

I was a papers co-chair for the ACM GROUP 2014 conference. You can visit the conference website for conference program information. The GROUP 2014 conference proceedings are available in the ACM Digital Library.


CSCW 2008 Conference

I was co-chair for the CSCW 2008 conference. While the conference is now over, you can see the website for the conference program and the CSCW 2008 conference proceedings are available in the ACM Digital Library.

© 2018 David W. McDonald